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Arrowhead Science Team


Congratulations to the Arrowhead Science Team and their advisor Mrs. Cheri Kaiser for taking first place at the Opportunities Conference Science Competition at MSOE on November 20th.  Twenty teams of eight participated from Southeastern Wisconsin and Northern Illinois.  Team members are:

Members of the AHS Science Team
Strange, Max
Tschurwald, Griffin
Filmanowicz, John
Stoner, Kaitlin
Van Gilder, Andrew
McColl, Parker
Osowski, Stephan
Schneider, Nathan
Bednarki, Zack

Medal winners in general science were Andrew Van Gilder and Zach Bednarki
Medal winner in Chemistry was Max Strange
Medal winners in Physics were Parker McColl and Zach Bednarki
Medal Winners in Biology were Griffin Tschurwald and Katlin Stoner.
Top overall scorers at the event were Griffin Tschurwald, John Filmanowicz, and Zach Bednarke.

Members of the AHS Science Team