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Parent Communication January 11, 2013

Re: School Security

Arrowhead Parents,

This letter is intended as a follow-up to previous communications shared with Arrowhead parents regarding the safety and security of students and staff at Arrowhead High School.  

Recent incidents have prompted us to review our safety and security protocols.  I want you to know that we are committed to providing a safe school environment for our students and staff.  As part of our efforts, we have had ongoing dialogue and involvement with local law enforcement (Waukesha County Sheriff’s and Hartland Police Departments) prior to and after the most recent incidents.  Law enforcement officials have asked that we not share specific details relative to security measures at our school, as to not compromise the effectiveness of these efforts.  However, we would like to provide an overview of some of the measures in place, as well as some things that will be changing at our school.  The following procedures have been in place for several years and were approved by our School Resource Officer to be shared publicly:
  • Arrowhead has a full-time, armed, and specially trained School Resource Officer.  The services of Deputy Pete Freyer have been contracted through the Waukesha County Sheriff’s Department. 
  • Deputy Freyer is also contracted for special events after school and, in some instances, time is contracted to have additional deputies on duty, as is appropriate for the event.
  • Crisis (safety & security) plans are in place for each of the buildings, which is based on a district-wide plan.
  •  Each school year, practice protocols are reviewed and practiced, including fire drills, tornado drills, and lock downs.
  • Practice drills are reviewed and procedures modified when appropriate.
  • Lock down procedures are conducted at least twice annually and on occasions have involved area law enforcement agencies.
  • A comprehensive review and update of the district’s Crisis Plan was completed in March of 2011.  Deputy Freyer facilitated the review and update.  Law enforcement experts were involved in the development of the plan.
  • Arrowhead has a district-wide security camera system, providing surveillance both within and outside of the school buildings.

Despite the measures that are in place to keep our school safe, there is room for improvement.  Based on our recent review, we are going to modify protocols.  Some of the measures that we can share include the following:
  • Assessment and review of all aspects of our comprehensive school safety and security plan, as well as the district’s student support services.
  • Ongoing review of all components of our crisis management plans.
  • Ongoing communication with the Waukesha County Sheriff’s and Hartland Police Departments.
  • In order to gain access to the buildings during school hours, all visitors, parents, and students will be required to enter through the main entrances.
  • Entrance to the buildings during school hours will be secured with only one access at each building.  At North Campus the only access will be through Door 1, and at South Campus, it will be Door A.  Students and staff will be allowed to enter the school prior to the start of the day through any of the normal entrances.  Once school has begun, all doors, with the exception of the main entrances, will be secured for the remainder of the day.
  • The main entrances will be staffed.  Individuals wishing to enter the building will be required to register and provide a reason for requesting access; all visitors will be required to wear a visitor’s pass; individuals with a valid reason (e.g., appointment, college representatives, vendors) will be escorted to appropriate areas; and individuals without a valid reason will not be allowed to enter the building.
  • All staff will be required to wear an identification badge.
  • All students will be required to have their student IDs.  Students will be required to present IDs when entering the buildings after the school day has started.  Students not possessing an ID will not be allowed access until properly identified and issued an appropriate identification.

I want to again assure you that our staff is committed to providing a safe school environment for our students and staff.  The district is working to be proactive in our planning and preparedness for school emergencies.  We continue to work closely with law enforcement and have been assured we have a comprehensive and well laid out response and security plan.  To proactively take appropriate measures towards providing a safe and secure environment for our students and staff, we will continue to review all components of our crisis management plans.   Arrowhead is fortunate to have over 200 caring adults who are passionate about young people and who are willing do whatever is necessary to keep our students safe.

Thank you for your support and understanding.


Craig Jefson
Arrowhead Union High School District