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Proposal to Change Graduation Requirements

AHS Graduation Requirements

The Board Personnel Committee has reviewed a proposal to modify the graduation requirements at AHS.  The proposal was approved and will advance to the full board for discussion and action to approve at the February 13th board meeting.

Currently, students receiving alternative education options at Arrowhead Union High School earn an equivalency diploma upon completion of requirements. The transcript speaks to the “path” the student took to earn an Arrowhead diploma. The proposal recommends that students be awarded a regular diploma upon completion of requirements based upon the following criteria:
  • Currently Arrowhead Union High School is the only school in Waukesha County utilizing the alternative (equivalency) diploma
  • The Department of Public Instruction recommends a regular diploma
  • Prior to current restructuring of services students were exiting with limited academic and employability skills
  •  Increased motivator to complete requirements with the possibility to earn a regular diploma
  • Parental “buy in” working towards regular diploma

The recommendation is based upon the restructuring of the Alternative Education services on-site in conjunction with off-site options providing structured academic and employment skill development.  A recommendation is proposed to change Board Policy to recognize students who successfully complete requirements based upon alternative paths to skill development.

The recommendation is to accept successful completion in:
  • Arrowhead Alternative Education services,
  • Second Chance Partners for Education, or
  • Wisconsin National Guard Challenge Academy Program as a means to earn a regular Arrowhead Union High School Diploma.