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AHS Forensics Team

Arrowhead Forensics Team

competes in UW-Whitewater speechbowl

Congratulations to the Arrowhead High School Forensics Team on their performance at the UW-Whitewater Speechbowl.

With 18 entries the students placed 2nd in the small team division.  The following students made power rounds and brought home individual awards:

Kalady Osowski  Special Occassion  3rd 
Braden Pusch  Demo  Finalist
Diya Ramanathan Demo  Finalist
Morgan Smeaton  Storytelling  Finalist 
Amy Teske  Oratory  Finalist 
Shannon Johnson  Oral Interpretation of Literature  Finalist 

Forensics Advisor Mr. Steven Schmid stated, "The team could not have brought home the trophy without solid performances by all.  Great job this week team and we are hoping for more good results to follow."